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Rebecca Jackson

Director of the MA Rhetoric and Composition

Professor, Rhetoric and Composition, Program Creator

Rebecca Jackson joined the Department of English in 2001 and has developed and taught a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses in rhetoric, composition, and technical communication. In 2005, she wrote the proposal for the MA major in Rhetoric and Composition and directed that program from 2006 to 2020. Dr. Eric Leake begins his directorship in the fall of 2020. From 2013-2016, Dr. Jackson co-chaired (with her colleague, Dr. Leake) the Master's Degree Consortium of Writing Studies Specialists, a standing committee of the Conference on College Composition and Communication. Dr. Jackson has published numerous articles and book chapters on issues in writing center studies and writing across the curriculum, TA preparation, and graduate curricula. Her book (with Nicole Caswell and Jackie Grutsch McKinney), The Working Lives of New Writing Center Directors, was published by Utah State University Press in 2016 and recently received the 2017 IWCA Best Book AwardWorking Lives has also been nominated for the 2018 CCCCs Research Impact Award and the CWPA 2016 Best Book Award.

Dr. Jackson is currently working on two research projects: an edited collection (with Dr. Jackie Grutsch McKinney) on autoethnography in writing studies, tentatively titled Self-Culture-Writing: Autoethnography for/as Writing Studies, and a longitudinal (5-year) survey study (with Jackie Grutsch-McKinney and Nicole Caswell) of writing center director job satisfaction and migration titled "The Migratory Patterns of Writing Center Administrators: A Five-Year Study."



Ph.D., English, Texas A&M University
M.A., English, University of Tulsa
B.A., English, Southwest Texas State University


Teaching & Research Interests 
Narrative InquiryAutoethnography
Writing center studiesComposition theory and pedagogy


Courses Commonly Taught
ENG 5317: Narrative as a Way of Knowing in Rhetoric and Composition
ENG 5317: Feminist Movements in Composition
ENG 5317 Topic: Writing Center Theory, Pracice, and Administration
ENG 5317 Topic: Gender and Writing 
ENG 5326: Composition Theory
ENG 5327: Research Methods in Rhetoric and Composition
ENG 5317: Self-Culture-Writing: Autoethnography for/as Writing Studies


Selected Publications
Jackson, Rebecca (with Nicole Caswell, and Jackie Grutsch McKinney). The Working Lives of New Writing Center Directors. Logan: Utah State UP, 2016. Winner of the 2017 IWCA Best Book Award.
Jackson, Rebecca, Jackie Grutsch McKinney, and Nicole Caswell. "Writing Center Administration as/and Emotional Labor." Composition Forum 34 (Fall 2016).
Wilson, Nancy, Rebecca Jackson, and Valerie Vera. "El Ensayo: Latin@s Writing about Writing." Next Steps: New Directions In/For Writing about Writing. Ed. Barb Bird, Doug Downs, Moriah McCracken, and Jan Rieman, Utah State UP. Forthcoming.
Jackson, Rebecca, Nicole Caswell, and Jackie Grutsch McKinney. "A Glimpse into the Working Lives of New Writing Center Directors." Forum: Issues about Part-Time and Contingent Faculty 18.1 (Fall 2014): A3-A8. In College Composition and Communication66.1 (September 2014). Print.
Jackson, Rebecca and Jackie Grutsch McKinney. "Beyond Tutoring: Mapping the Invisible Landscape of Writing Center Work." Praxis 9.1 (2012). Web.
Jackson, Rebecca. "Resisting Institutional Narratives: One Student's Counterstories of Writing and Learning in the Academy." Writing Center Journal 28.1 (2008): 23-41. Print.
Jackson, Rebecca and Deborah Morton. "Becoming Landscape Architects: A Postmodern Approach to WAC Sustainability." WAC Journal 18 (September 2007): 46-58. Print.
Jackson, Rebecca. "'I Don't Talk to Blacks,' or Contextual Constraints on Peer Writing Groups in the Prison College Classroom." By Any Other Name: Writing Groups Inside and Outside the Classroom. Ed. Beverly Moss, Melissa Dunbar, and Nels Highberg. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004. Print.
Jackson, Rebecca, Carrie Leverenz, and Joe Law. “(Re)Shaping the Profession:  Graduate Courses in Writing Center Theory, Practice, and Administration.” The Center Will Hold: Critical Perspectives on Writing Center Scholarship. Ed. Michael Pemberton and Joyce Kinkead. Logan: Utah State UP, 2003. Print.
Jackson, Rebecca, and Patricia Wojahn. “Issues in Writing Program Administration: A Select Annotated Bibliography.”  The Writing Program Administrator’s Resource:  A Guide to Reflective Practice. Ed. Stuart Brown, Theresa Enos and Catherine Chaput. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002. 467-490. Print.
Jackson, Rebecca. “Writing Center Consultations.” Strategies for Teaching First-Year Composition. Ed. Duane Roen, et al. Urbana: NCTE, 2002. 372-385. Print.
Jackson, Rebecca, and Chris Burnham. "Experience and Reflection in Multiple Contexts: Preparing TAs for the Artistry of Professional Practice."  Preparing College Teachers of Writing:  Histories, Theories, Practices, and Programs. Ed. Betty Pytlik and Sarah Liggett. Oxford UP, 2001. Print.
Jackson, Rebecca, Stuart Brown, and Theresa Enos. “The Arrival of Rhetoric in the Twenty-first Century.”  Rhetoric Review 18.2 (2000): 233-373. Print.